General Information
As a Melbourne based market research recruitment agency, RRS recruits people just like you to attend focus group discussions and one-on-one interviews.
These focus groups are held in order to find out what ordinary people think about products & services.
Successful group discussions depend on the ‘right’ people attending. For example, if the subject under discussion is mobile phones, then only people with mobile phones will be invited. As a recruiting agency we need reliable records on large numbers of people of all types to ensure this. If you, other members of your household or family and friends are keen to be considered for group discussions or interviews, please complete the REGISTRATION form.
Please be assured we work in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles. As members of the Australia Market & Social Research Society, we are bound by their code of conduct and anything said during the course of a group discussion or interview will not be related back to you in any way.
Focus group discussions and interviews have proven to be an excellent way for you to rewarded for nothing more than your opinion on interesting subjects which you are generally familiar with and have knowledge of. Many people who attend comment on how much they have enjoyed it.